




A French CRM

With YellowBox CRM, manage your business effectively, centralize and share all your data and commercial information using French CRM software.

A collaborative tool to empower marketing, sales and administrative teams to be effective.

Flexible, scalable and customizable, this CRM solution adapts to a multitude of sectors, by offering functionalities dedicated to the specificities of each activity (association, industry, construction, services, events, transport, etc.).

Harness the power of your first communication channel

Because yes, your emails are gold!

We each send an average of 30 emails per day.

Take control of this marketing tool to broadcast your communication campaigns and strengthen your brand image!

Analyze your audience and measure their engagement

colleagues, prospects, customers? They read all of your emails every day.

Your emails are a standby database.

Harness the power of your emails and accurately monitor audience engagement to get the most out of them.

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Say goodbye to wasting time chasing your colleagues

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