Native solution for
Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365
Google Workspace
Google Workspace

Unleash the power of your email signatures

Harmonize your e-mail signatures in no time, and make the most out of the hundreds of e-mails you send every day!

+5000 companies use Signitic on a daily basis

Signature card
broken signature signitic
broken signature signitic
Signature card
Signature card
broken signature signitic
broken signature signitic
Signature card
Arrow illustrationSplash illustrationTick illustrationSend illustration

Centralize the update and management of your signatures

Create and manage all of your organization's email signatures through a centralized and fully integrated interface. Configure your models, manage your user groups, and deploy your communications effortlessly!

Schedule and display targeted campaigns

Broadcast communication banners under your email signatures according to your recipients.
Integrated with

Understand your audience by analyzing their engagement

Harness the power of your emails and accurately analyze the engagement of your audience to get the most out of them.

Don't waste any more time chasing down your colleagues!

Start your 14-day free trial now
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Integrated natively to your environment

Why complicate your life? Our solution integrates natively and easily into your organization in less than a minute!

Microsoft 365

Integrate Signitic into your Microsoft 365 environment in minutes with our native integration built with Microsoft.

Outlook 365 icon
IOS icon
Android icon

Google Workspace

Integrate Signitic into your Google Workspace environment through our native integration built with Google.

Gmail icon
IOS icon
Star icon

Calculez votre ROI

Nous envoyons en moyenne 30 mails par jour et mettre à jour sa signature prend en moyenne 10 minutes. Faites gagner du temps et de l'engagement à toute votre entreprise grâce à Signitic.
heures économisées
par an
clics par an sur
vos signatures
coût réel maximum par an
(coût de Signitic - heures économisées)
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14 jours d'essais
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Aucun engagement
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Pas de CB
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A solution compliant and secure

Our solution meets the RGPD requirements for transparency and traceability.
We are committed to providing a safe and reliable environment, recognizing the critical importance of security for our customers.

Easy to set up.
Easy to use.

“In charge of communication for an international group, Signitic is for me the most suitable solution to ensure that our employees respect the graphic charter in their email tools. This solution also allows me to remotely manage email marketing campaigns adapted to each of our subsidiaries, without having to involve our employees. The daily “clicks” report is a valuable tool for monitoring our campaigns. The availability of the SIGNITIC teams to implement the solution is irreproachable.”
Cloud ilustration
CEA Group
CEA Group
Card signature mockupSignature card SigniticSignature card SigniticCard signature mockupSignature card SigniticCard signature mockup

Say goodbye to wasting time chasing your colleagues

Start your free trial now
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Signitic is an electronic signature solution, allowing the management of electronic signatures for businesses in order to allow them to automate signatures thanks to numerous functionalities for your emails. In order to centralize signature management and thus automatically deploy professional signature models. The electronic signature makes it possible to carry out important communication campaigns, which reflect the image of the brand. With this signature communication solution, you can create a signature from signature templates and automatically manage images in your signatures, as well as customizable logos based on the signature, but also links in your signatures or social media icons in your signatures. You can also share articles and events via email banners that will be clickable and free. The electronic signature is automatically added to Outlook or Gmail without your employees needing to add the signature or change anything on their Outlook or Office client, but also for Microsoft Office 365 for the web. Signitic makes it possible to centralize and create electronic signatures in business and is offered on messaging tools that allow the use of signatures. It can be used on Salesforce, Pipedrive, Outlook, and Gmail.