Explore our Signitic and SignatureSatori comparison and discover the best email signature management solution. Compare the features, integrations and pricing of each.
Our solution is RGPD compliant with the obligation of transparency and traceability.
Choose where your data is hosted between our 3 ISO27001 and SOC certified partners:
Google Cloud Platform (France), Microsoft Azure (France), or AWS (France).
“A great signing tool with all the necessary features! Highly recommended!”
“Signitic is easy to learn, as is the administration aspect; it is a tool that is easy to understand and use.”
Fun, practical and fast, Signitic is a platform that perfectly meets our expectations. Its smooth and intuitive operation makes it easy to manage the email signatures of our employees. We are very happy with it and highly recommend it.
“Easy-to-use email signature management tool, with fast and pleasant customer support, always looking for improvements (new features). A marketing bonus thanks to banner ads.”
“The application is really simple and well designed, the support is just top notch! What more can you say when you are so satisfied except: “Keep it up guys! 😍 "and “Corocico, thank you Lyonnais 🇫🇷”
“Signitic: an easy to integrate and very user friendly tool. Easy to use both for managing user groups with truly customizable signatures and for distributing communication campaigns.”