Explore our Signitic and SignatureSatori comparison and discover the best email signature management solution. Compare the features, integrations and pricing of each.
Our solution is RGPD compliant with the obligation of transparency and traceability.
Choose where your data is hosted between our 3 ISO27001 and SOC certified partners:
Google Cloud Platform (France), Microsoft Azure (France), or AWS (France).
“A platform adopted without any difficulty! Intuitive and easy to use, we were able to set it up very quickly. The support is really great, very responsive and attentive. The time savings in managing our team's signatures and the effectiveness of the campaigns put in place is more than appreciable. We recommend!”
“The implementation of Signitic at Swile was quick and easy, and the teams at Signitic were very available and very responsive. From an ops point of view, the solution is very simple (maintenance close to 0), complete and allows a real gain of time!”
“The solution offered by Signitic is easy to use and saves significant time in managing employee email signatures.”
“Signitic is easy to use and fast, with an ultra-responsive team that allowed us to have control of the signatures in a few clicks.”
“We are very satisfied with the service from Signitic, the customer service is very responsive and the tool is updated regularly!”
“The move to Signitic (just over a year ago) meant growth for us. The tool is now an integral part of our HR integration process and allows us to make any signature changes via a simple and intuitive interface. Significtic is thus fully included in our communication strategy. Last proof of its effectiveness: in the midst of a brand transition from alertgasoil to fleetenergies, the switch took 3 minutes to complete!”