🎥✨ Webinar : De l'IA dans vos signatures mail - 🗓️ 11 décembre

5 tips to communicate effectively about my school

Increase the visibility of your school to attract the best candidates by using email signatures and communication banners to present your values, programs, feedback, student achievements, and events.


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5 tips to communicate effectively about my school

Do you want your school to be visible to attract the best candidates? Focus on the communication channel you use most frequently: your emails! Using your email signatures and communication banners, you can send a message about your school in just a few seconds. Discover some tips to achieve your results.

Tip 1: Introduce yourself
Do you communicate mainly to candidates who don't know you yet? Setting up a communication banner that looks like you, in the colors of your graphic charter, will make it easier to identify you. For those who have a visual memory, there are already a few students who will remember the name of your school. Useful for increasing word-of-mouth among other candidates!

Tip 2: Make the most of your program
Is the vocation of your school to become an expert in the IT world, an ace in web marketing or even a professional in event communication? Express it! A candidate wants to acculturate, discover new methods, new tools but also to specialize. A communication banner that focuses on your training program, possible specializations, and study projects can arouse the interest of your candidates.

Tip 3: Share feedback from former students
Are your former students satisfied with the academic path you gave them? Let your future candidates know it! Ex-student testimonies can add credibility to your school. Just as you look at reviews on the internet before testing a new restaurant, candidates make inquiries to select their new school. Pointing a banner to an article presenting the feedback of your former students, their testimonies, can tip the scales in your favor.


Tip 4: Highlight student achievements
The choice of a new school is not trivial, it is thoughtful but it is also the sum of research carried out by students on the various competing schools. Highlighting the achievements of projects led by students for advertisers can allow you to stand out. Why not design a banner to share the creation of an advertising poster, a website or even a promotional video?

Tip 5 : Relay your events
Is your school present at the student lounge, or other renowned lounge? Are you organizing an open house? Use your email signatures to make your events visible in a communication banner. A quick, easy to implement trick that could well double the number of visitors and make the cost of your stand profitable!

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