Customized email signature solution for Gmail and

Ensure brand consistency in your organization's GSuite/Google Workspace signatures.
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La soluzione di firma e-mail su misura per Google Workspace e Gmail

Exploitez vos signatures mail même sur Sellsy

Vos commerciaux envoient des mails via Sellsy ? Ne laissez pas une signature erronée faire baisser le taux de réponse et dégradé l'image de l'entreprise.

A/B testing

Déployez en 1 clic

Sans connaissance technique, déployez en moins de temps qu'il ne faut pour le dire !

Synchro Google and Microsoft

Modifiez en masse

Créez, modifiez et déployez vos signatures en masse. Fini les procédures de mise à jour.

Real-time activities

Engagez avec des campagnes

Générez de l'engagement en diffusant facilement des bannières en pied de signatures. 

Infinite segmentation

Segmentez et analysez

Divisez votre organisation comme vous le souhaitez et créer des signatures pour chaque division. Analysez ensuite vos résultats.

Commencez dès maintenant !

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Un service très fiable et compétitif au regard de ses concurrents.

Do it to trust them.


"Easy-to-use e-mail signature management tool, with fast and pleasant customer support, always looking for improvements (new features). A marketing bonus thanks to banner ads."

CF - Compagnie Fiduciaire

"Signitic gave us personalized, interactive signatures in line with our new group identity. A solution that's easy to get to grips with and to upgrade, and a team of people who are responsive and who provided us with excellent support as we switched over our signatures."

CF - Compagnie Fiduciaire

"We chose Signitic almost a year ago, and we're very satisfied with its offering. Mail signature customization is very quick and includes a huge number of tools. The administrative part is easy to understand and the support is responsive. Heerion is more than ever satisfied to be working with Signitic!"

HTS BIO Laboratories

"Signitic enabled us to bounce back quickly from a tool change. The teams are responsive and enable us to make progress in our communication."

HTS BIO Laboratories

"A particularly well-made and simple tool, which has enabled WeLoop to rapidly accelerate its notoriety. Bravo Signitic! :)"

Access Leader

"We looked at several solutions before selecting Signitic as our partner to deliver the best for our customers. The team behind Signitic has succeeded in designing a fairly advanced platform while retaining its user-friendliness. We congratulate them on this young yet mature solution! We'd also like to give a special mention to the very friendly technical support team."

Access Leader
Card signature mockupSignature card SigniticSignature card SigniticCard signature mockupSignature card SigniticCard signature mockup

Say goodbye to wasting time chasing your colleagues

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